

春暖花开 一起前行丨太阳集团81068网址都会森林学校家长讲师团正式建设


4月10日 ,阳灼烁媚 ,春暖花开 ,在这个温暖而优美的日子里 ,太阳集团81068网址都会森林学校小学部、太阳集团81068网址大树幼儿园、金支点幼儿园数十名家长齐聚森林咖啡俱乐部 ,配合加入太阳集团81068网址家长讲师团第一次沙龙 ,共创太阳集团81068网址家校共育优美蓝图。

On April 10th, taking advantage of the bright sunshine and blooming spring, dozens of parents from the primary school department of Cstar City Forest School, Cstar Dashu Kindergarten, and Jinzhidian Kindergarten gathered at the Forest Coffee Club to participate in the first salon of Cstar Parent Lecturer Group.

一艘家校共育的“红船” ,从这里扬帆启航 ,太阳集团81068网址家长讲师团正式建设。

A “red ship” jointly cultivated by families and schools sets sail from here, and the Cstar Lecturer Group is officially established.

太阳集团81068网址的执行总裁、太阳集团81068网址都会森林学校家长学校的校长Louice ,在本次晤面会上揭晓了热情洋溢的致辞。她深情地分享了自己投身教育的初心与愿景 ,表达了对家校共育事业的热爱与追求 ,希望家长讲师团深度践行生命教育大于应试教育的育人理念 ,配合为孩子们的生长孝顺智慧和实力。

Louice, the CEO of Cstar Education Technology Group, and the principal of Cstar Urban Forest School Parent School, delivered an enthusiastic speech at this meeting. She passionately shared her original intention and vision for dedicating herself to education, expressed her love and pursuit for the cause of home school co education. Louise’s words were full of power, inspiring every parent and lecturer present to contribute wisdom and strength to the growth of children together.

在Louice的引领与鼓舞下 ,现场的家长们纷纷洞开心扉 ,知无不言。他们起劲分享自己在教育与养育孩子历程中的点滴收获与疑心 ,相互谛听、相互赋能 ,配合期待着与列位家长携手前行 ,配合生长。

Under the guidance and encouragement of Louice, the parents on site opened up their hearts and spoke freely. They actively share their little gains and confusions in the process of educating and raising children, listen to and empower each other, and look forward to working hand in hand with parents to grow together.

现场的家长有儿童性教育讲师、心理咨询专业的大学先生、AI手艺的科研职员、资深工程师、状师事务所的精英职员以及热爱学习家庭教育的家长。这些高强人士所展示出的专业能力与奇异看法 ,及多维度、多条理、多角度教育资源的分享为各人带来了名贵的启示 ,更为我们在教育路上增添了更多的信心与实力。他们的加入与孝顺 ,使得这场沙龙运动变得越发富厚有实力。

It is worth mentioning that the parents at the scene can be described as crouching tigers and hidden dragons, including teachers from universities, psychological counseling professionals, senior engineers, and elite personnel from law firms. The professional abilities and unique insights demonstrated by these high-energy individuals not only provide valuable insights, but also add more confidence and strength to our education journey. Their participation and contribution have made this salon event more diverse and powerful.

最后 ,Louice为在座的家长们简朴地叙述了太阳集团81068网址讲师团生长的起源妄想 ,并深入分享了智慧怙恃养育系统的优美蓝图 ,为讲师团指明晰前行的偏向 ,提供了精神的引领。

Finally, Louice briefly elaborated on the preliminary plan for the development of the Cstar Lecturer Group for the parents present, and shared in depth the grand blueprint of the Smart Parenting System, pointing out the direction for the lecturer group to move forward and providing spiritual guidance.

准讲师们纷纷表达了对学校家校共育事情的高度认可与赞赏 ,他们深感理念一致 ,坚定了配合前行的刻意。他们期待能够配合为家校共育事业孝顺自己的实力 ,助力孩子走对生长的每一步。

The prospective lecturers expressed their high recognition and appreciation for the school’s home school co education work, and they deeply felt that their ideas were consistent and they were determined to move forward together. They look forward to contributing their efforts together to the cause of home school co education, so that every child can grow up healthy and happy.

春暖花开 ,并肩前行。

这次沙龙运动不但增进了准讲师们之间的友谊与明确 ,更为家校共育事情的深入推进涤讪了坚实的基础 ,信托在家长的配合起劲下 ,家校共育的推动下 ,教育生态会越来越好 ,孩子会越来越好。

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, walking side by side.

This salon activity not only enhanced the friendship and understanding between prospective lecturers, but also laid a solid foundation for the in-depth promotion of home school co education. I believe that with the joint efforts of parents and the promotion of home school co education, education will continue to improve and children will continue to improve.





【办学理念】责任兴教育 师德誉中原

【集团校训】学习 创立 诚信 团结 贡献 听从